Newton 2.35 (beta) headers uploaded

I’ve just got note that version 2.35 of the Newton Game Dynamics engine has been released, which is mainly a bugfix release as Julio is already working on a 3.00 release with lots of new features. And though I hardly get any time to do some coding I just took the time and updated the headers to the latest 2.35 (beta) release. As usual, you can grab them here.


Three new newton demos with source

While answering some questions concerning physics implementation to the man behind Tower22 (a survival-horror game under development with Delphi) I created a few new newton demos demonstrating several different things you might need in a game, demo 07 shows how to implement simple explosions (though for a real game you’d need to add some stuff like raycasting etc.), demo 08 shows how to use the contact process callback to play sounds depending on the impact of a collision (can be used to spawn particles, do damage calculations, etc. [Read More]

Newton 2.33 (beta) headers uploaded

I just updated the Delphi/Freepascal headers for the Newton Game Dynamics engine to the latest release, 2.33 (beta). Grab them here. The latest release of the compiled SDK for newton can be downloaded here. The latest version of NGD added a new interesting feature, destruction. Julio (the man behind NGD) has uploaded a video of this new feature over here. As usual I don’t have that much time for coding, but I plan to upload a destruction demo (with soource) for Delphi/Freepascal at some point, but I can’t tell when. [Read More]

Newton SDL developer demos updated (to SDK 2.32)

Just a quick note that I finally got around updating the SDL developer demos for the Newton Game Dynamics Engine to the latest 2.32 release of the SDK. Also note that I also uploaded the character controller demo for NGD 2.32 (I haven’t updated this one to 2.x up until now), and also note that it’s “just” an update of the version for 1.53 and that it does NOT use the integrated character controller of the Newton Game Dynamics SDK. [Read More]

Newton Game Dynamics Engine goes Open-Source

Time flies by, already march and still this is my first posting for 2011. I’m pretty busy outside of coding, but rest assured, I’ll have some new info on “Phase 2” soon. But still this news item is a great one, as the Newton Game Dynamics realtime physics engine recently went open source (under the zlib license), with both branches of the code, 2.xx and 3.xx now available online. As you may now this has been my (free) physics engine of choice for years now (used in several games like Jagdgeschwader, Newton Playground, tech demos etc. [Read More]

Newton 2.26 (beta) headers uploaded

I’ve just uploaded updated header versions for the latest beta of the Newton Game Dynamics Engine, namely 2.26. This new versions adds severel new functions and procedures, but no changes within the joint library. You can grab the updated headers over here. As usual they should work with Free Pascal and Delphi (tested both under windows) and should also work under linux, though I don’t test them there. Note : A user over at the newton forums pointed me to some small errors in the current header. [Read More]

First dungeon crawler prototype (HD Video)

Although it took me longer than expected I recently got a first prototype of a dungeon crawler, based on my recenlty published random dungeon article, polished up far enough to show it to the public. Actually one of the biggest issue holding it back were the textures. It uses parallax (bump) mapping for giving flat surfaces a realsitic 3D look (it’s pretty much an extension to bump mapping), and for that technique you not only need a color map and a normal map but also a heightmap for each texture. [Read More]

Newton SDL demos updated to 2.16

After several requests and after updating the headers, I decided to release updated sources for the SDL developer demos showcasing some of Newton’s features. Those updated demos (including sources) should be useful to both starters (to see how Newton 2.00 works) and people that already used 1.53, as there haven been some changes. So the following demos now also have sources for Newton 2.00 : “Demo 01 - Basic demo”, “Demo 02 - Joints” and “Demo 03 - Buoyancy”. [Read More]

Newton header updated (again)

After updating some of my projects to the recent beta of Newton **I decided to revert back to the original header format, using only one file **(NewtonImport.pas) instead of the three from the last update (which was a result of Stucuk updating the headers and splitting them in order to easily use them with his own wrapper). So I uploaded a new package for the headers, now only containing one header (NewtonImport. [Read More]

Newton 2.15 (beta) headers uploaded

From my lack of recent updates it should be pretty clear that I don’t have much time (or better : pretty much no time at all) for my programming stuff, so over the past few months I also had no time to release updated headers for the beta releases of the Newton Game Dynamics Engine. As of now there have been many beta releases and the current one is 2.15. In my abscence Stucuk was the one that took care of that situation and released several headers for the numerous betas of NGD. [Read More]