Soruces for simple OpenGL 2.0 HUD/GUI for android


As I’m currently prototyping a new game for Android, I was in need of a quick (and simple) way of adding some selectable text elements on top of my 3D OpenGL ES scene. So I created a simple demonstration with full source (you can get them from my OpenGL ES git repository) that renders a 3D scene and a basic hud with clickable text elements on top of it in orthogonal mode.

The text elements are rendered to an OpenGL ES texture, using android’s canvas, making this a very flexible way of drawing text on top of an OpenGL ES scene. Note that this isn’t very fast, so the texture should only be updated when necessary. The demo has a menu along with a fps counter, so the texture will be updated every second, and the elements can be clicked and the hud’s observers will be notified with the clicked element’s id so you can easily react on user input.

Though this isn’t something you’d use in a production app where performance is crucial, it should be good start for rapid prototyping needs where you need to have some basic gui or hud to issue commands. And you’re always free to improve the sources (feel free to fork) to make it perform better, by e.g. only updating the areas of the texture where text changed, instead of updating every time if one of the elements is changed.