Patch 1.2 coming soon, including tutorial

Projekt W Tutorial

Right now I’m working on the next patch, version 1.2 for Projekt “W”. This patch will mostly contain changes, especially to the user interface that make the game “faster” too navigate. A lot of actions will also be triggered by double-clicking items or by pressing keys, instead of having to select stuff and to click on a different button. That should make the gameplay experience more smooth. The patch will also add some more information, for example a new window will now pop up if you have finished research, instead of just adding an easy-to-overlook newsitem. And if you now loose or defend a region against the AI, a double-click on the news item will show you all losses that occured in that battle, and there is now also a second territorial map stored so you can quickly compare what regions changed their owner. These are just some of the changes, but in the end they should make up for a much more pleasing gameplay experience.

And one thing a lot of people asked for will also be in this patch : a tutorial. The game is complex (though there are much more complex turn-based games out there) so many people don’t know what to do and not everyone is willing to put hours into trying out what building-constellation works, so I decided to put a tutorial in the game. It runs inside the game (no external PDF-file like the manual) and will carry you trough the game’s main elements step-by-step. Click on the screenshot for this news-posting to see a first glimpse at how it’ll look alike. I hope that I can attract more people to play Projekt “W” with this new functionality.

And as for the date of the patch : I plan for this weekend or sometimes next week.