Updated Vulkan example binaries (and vkQuake for Android)

Finally found some time to update the binaries for my open source ++ Vulkan examples. Since the last binaries have been a few months old these contain lots of changes and new examples.

So if you just want to run Vulkan examples (to e.g. test your device) you can grab these pre-built binaries instead of compiling from vulkan.gpuinfo.org :


Note : The windows binaries require the media pack (see below) to be present for loading shaders, meshes and textures.

64-Bit Binaries (2016-09-04) ~2.0 MBytes


Note : The Linux binaries require the media pack (see below) to be present for loading shaders, meshes and textures.

64-Bit Binaries (2016-09-04) ~8.0 MBytes


**Note :**Requires a ARM device with Vulkan support. Gamepads are supported. Assets required (shaders, textures, models) are part of each apk, the media pack is not requried. The archive contains two batch files for easy installation and removal of all examples at once.

ARM Binaries (2016-09-04) ~78 MBytes

Media Pack

Note : This archive contains all shaders, models and textures requried to run the windows and linux examples. Put the data folder to where the bin folder for windows or linux has been extracted so the examples can find the required assets.

64-Bit Binaries (2016-09-04) ~42 MBytes

Android binary for vkQuake

As a bonus I have also uploaded Android binaries for my Android port of Axel Gneiting’s vkQuake. It’s more of a technical demonstration and missing a few things (like sound), but fully playable on Android devices that support Vulkan.

You can grab the binary from http://vulkan.gpuinfo.org/vkquake.php

Please note that the .apk does not contain any game files, so you need to get the .pak files from the shareware or registered version in order to play this. See the page above for details on this.

Also requires a gamepad to play.