(NPG) Final skinned ragdoll video

After finishing the implementation of the new skinned ragdoll-feature in NewtonPlayGround I just started to create some sample scenes for the final release. Throughout the last days I finished this feature (adding shadows, possibility to attach springs and joints and matierlas) and also tested it very hard to see if there were any problems or bugs left. And since everything works the way it should, and since I also finished the improvments to the spring implementation I had planed (you can now attach any kind of object to any other kind of object, which didn’t work on the last release) I’m preparing for the final release.

To “celebrate” this I also made a new video that shows the new feature in one of the new sample scenes. You’ll see a zombie (thanks to Psionic3D for this free model) falling down a “torture tunnel”. And just like in real-life it’s different eacht time you restart the scene, so in the following video you’ll see him fall down twice. Grab the video here, it’s ~10 MBytes and in WMV format.

Release for the next version of NPG is planned for middle or end of next week, so stay tuned!