------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revision #190 : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New features - AI builder for regions. Once enabled, the AI builder will construct and / or upgrade the buildings in a region. - Improved and added sound effects (user interface, global projects, etc.) - New music tracks including a theme song (thanks to YD from http://opengameart.org/users/yd) User interface - (Globe) Added visual warnings for regions with low loyalty and / or high pollution levels - (Regions) Building types that aren't currently affordable are grayed out in the building type list - (Regions) Unit health for deployed divisions is now displayed - (Regions) Tendency for rising pollution values is now displayed with a red arrow - (Regionlist) Now also displays tendency icons for regions' values - (Regionlist) Can now be sorted by different criterias Fixes - (Menu) Fixed game mode selection for single player games - (Menu) Restored time per turn settings for hotseat games - (Menu) Fixed stuttering bug (low fps) during nation selection - (Misc) Ingame music no longer stops after ending the first track - (Regions) Clicking on "manage" will now always select the correct didivison - (Regions) Fixed small display bug when switching between division and building selection - (Regions) Overlays on region flags now scale properly - (Regions) Fixed potentially wrong tendency display for region's population - (Regions) Fixed crash when selecting buildings on graphics hardware without FBO support - (Regions) 3D preview will now correctly render on graphics hardware without FBO support (instead of a white quad) - (Unit construction) 3D preview will now correctly render on graphics hardware without FBO support - (Battlefield) Fixed wrong target tile display during unit placement phase - (Battlefield) Fixed wrong initial display of water reflections - (Hotseat) Fixed crash after hotseat timer reached zero seconds - (Worldmap) Fixed white blank quad for last turn's map after loading a game (existing games need to be saved again) - (Endgame) Fixed wrong display of statistics values Misc - (Battlefield) Option to let the computer place all units (simply end the placement phase and select yes) - (Battlefield) Changed default camera settings to show more of the battlefield for default camera settings - (Hotseat) Added warning sound once remaining turn time reaches 10 seconds mark - Fixed missing german text when finishing the "Joint construction effort" global project - Fixes several spelling errors and changed some dialog texts - Added button to replay intro from main menu (singleplayer->play intro) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revision #170 : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New features - Comprehensive interactive ingame tutorial with over 70 chapters - All new 360° space backdrop (removed the old nation backdrops) - Updated globe shaders - (Battlefield) You can now move around the battlefield by holding down the center mousebutton while moving the cursor - (GUI) Added credit floaters that appear in the top bar when spending or gaining credits - (Regionlist) Now also displays buildings currently under construction Fixes - (Regions) Population limit is now applied correct - (GUI) Listboxes can now be scrolled using the arrow buttons in modal windows (e.g. assigning generals) - (GUI) Fixed wrong display of special characters (ä,ö,ü,etc.) on Linux systems User interface - (Mainmenu) New game screen now has nation info and options on one screen - (Mainmenu) Visual rework of the main menu Misc - (GUI) Several spelling errors fixed - Several code optimizations for stability and better performance - New turn messages : - (Region) Population limit is reached - (Region) Maximum happiness is reached ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revision #142 : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New features - Linux support! - This is the first linux release, so it may (and will) contain bugs Fixes - (Regions) Dropdown for fast building category selection now shows correct numbers (actually unlocked count) - (GUI) Turn info is now displayed again (was missing in last release due to a bug) Misc - (Staff) Changed method of loading staffer pictures, increasing performance on several areas (e.g. transfer market) - (Sound) Switched from FMODEX dot BASS sound library (due to multi-platform support) - Several small performance improvements (e.g. faster rendering of the globe) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revision #125 : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New features - Detached Battles : Manual battles can now be started directly from the game's main menu, allowing you to select settings, unit distribution and player controller (AI or human). - (Battlefield) Added new maps for all settings (6 in total) Fixes - (GUI) Dropdown items below owner window border can now be selected - (Battlefield) Fixed several wrong captions (missing spaces) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revision #121 : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fixes - (Regions) Added missing connections from Japan to neirhbouring countries - (Regions) Added missing connection from Korean Kuril to United korea - (Regions) Added missing connection from State Alliance to Texas - (Regions) Added missing connection from New Texas to Texas - (Regions) Removed connection from Oldquebec to New Nunavut (no shared border) - (Regions) Removed wrong connection from Egypt to Algeria (no shared border) - (Regions) Wrong regional loyality display and calculations fixed - (Espionage) Captured agents during hostile region infiltration are now removed (as noted in the message box) - (Savegame) Creating a new savegame now uses the correct file extension User interface - (Regions) Changed building selection (again). Dropdown for building category now only jumpts to selected category instead of only displaying buildings from selected category - (Transfermarket) Several optical and usability changes - (Misc) Changed scrollbar appearance for listboxes (no more overlapping, better scrolling visualization) - (Misc) Fixed partially wrong button click areas Balancing - (Buildings) Lowered resource penalty for "Orbital sun sails", giving it an advantage over a nuclear power plant AI - (Construction) No longer constructs normal buildings on coastal spots - (Construction) No longer populates locked coastal spots (regions without coasts) - (Construction) Added more randomization to the construction AI (placement, building selection) - (Construction) Now constructs new coastal buildings when coastal spots are available - (Construction) Now demolishes buildings not needed anymore and regains funds (like human players) - (Construction) Added upgrade paths for buildings, so AI will now upgrade existing buildings to better versions - (Espionage) Now also hires and manages agents - (Espionage) Assigns hired agents to the different infiltration targets (own region, hostile region, data net) - (Espionage) Agents infiltrated into own regions fake either division or structure data - (Espionage) Agents transition from one data net level to the next one - (Epsionage) Agents execute data net espionage and sabotage actions - (Military) No longer attacks with one-unit only divisions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revision #107 (not public) : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fixes - Läuft wieder unter Wine - Framebufferobjekte sind keine Voraussetzung mehr - Regionsinfobalken werden jetzt u.a. auf Intel HD GPUs wieder korrekt dargestellt - Cursortasten zum Verschieben der Weltkugel nur noch wenn kein Fenster aktiv ist - Soundeffekte werden beim Spielstart nun zuverlässig aktiviert - Spionage (Datennetz) : Agenten im Datennetz werden nicht mehr gefangen genommen, sondern nur noch entsprechend gesperrt / bestraft - Spionage (Datennetz) : Fehlgeschlagene Aktionen wirken sich nun auf Datennetzlevel aus - Spionage (Datennetz) : Aktueller Alarmlevel des feindlichen Datennetzes erhöht nun Risiko der Entdeckung - Schlachtfeld : Einheitenselektion auf manuellem Schlachtfeld korrigiert Sonstiges - Beim ersten Start wird die Spracheinstellung nun anhand der Systemeinstellung ermittelt - Anleitung erweitert und an aktuelle Version angepasst. Zudem ist die Navigation immer sichtbar. Gameplay - KI erforscht Endlostechnologien erst wenn alle anderen erforscht wurden - Spionage : Deaktivierte Gebäude werden wieder korrekt zurückgesetzt - Spionage : Deaktivieren von Gebäuden hat nun Auswirkungen auf das Gameplay (z.B. Luftabwehr inaktiv im Kampf) - Anpassung Faktoren / Neustartphasen globale Projekte User interface - Transparenz für Dropdownlisten verringert - "Spiel beenden?"-Fenster hat nun korrekte Größe, Buttons liegen nicht mehr teilweise ausserhalb - Hilfstexte für Infobereich oben links - Regionsansicht : Button zum Abreissen von Gebäuden umplatziert (um versehentliches Abreissen zu verhindern) - Regionsansicht : Hover für Gebäudeinformationen wird nicht mehr von anderen Elementen überdeckt - Regionsansicht : Einrückungen und korrigierte Schriftgrößen Gebäudeinformation - Regionsansicht : Änderung der Gebäudeauswahl mit Dropdown für Kategorie und Listbox für entspr. Gebäude - Globale Projekte : Phasentabelle überlagert keine Elemente mehr in fremden Fenstern - Globale Projekte : Hinweise liegen nun korrekt über den Icons über der Phasentabelle Lokalisierung - Keine leeren Dropdowns mehr für englische Spracheinstellungen (z.B. Optionsmenü) - Fehlende Texturen für englische Spracheinstellungen werden nun korrekt geladen - Diverse fehlende/falsche Übersetzungen für englische Spracheinstellung Neue Funktionen - Spionage (Datennetz): Übergang zwischen den einzelnen Datennetzleveln - Spionage (Datennetz) : Auswahlbox für anzuzueigenden Bereicht im Fenster Datenanzeige für Datennetzspionage - Spionage (Datennetz) : Sabotageaktionen hinzugefügt - Hauptspielansicht : Anzeige des aktuellen Datennetz Alarmlevels - VSync kann im Optionsmenü umgeschaltet werden - Spielstände werden nun nach Datum sortiert gelistet (neuste oben) - Globales Projekt "Pandemie" nun voll funktional - Neue Stati für Regionen die pro Runde auf diese wirken (z.B. nach Einsatz von Pandemie oder Nuklearschlag)